You may have experienced stressful moments where things can take unexpected turn or if you cannot guess the final outcome of a problem. However, there are people who experience stress every day where it becomes full-blown anxiety. It can be from the people in your life, your work obligations, financial woes, and more. Because anxiety is the most common mental illness out there, that means anxiety can take on many forms.

Stress can be a separate fear that will go away when the problem is solved. For example, a deadline for an upcoming project may stress you out. But then once the project is done, the stress goes away. With generalized anxiety disorder, this stress comes any moment you feel threatened. There is a swimming pool of thoughts causing you to worry about making mistakes, saying the wrong thing, not being perfect, and more.

Here are a variety of anxiety types that could describe what you are going through on a daily basis.

Acute Anxiety and Panic Disorders

Generalized Anxiety Disorder can prevent you from getting your work done or mingling with people. Physical problems can occur like trouble sleeping, stomach problems, back pain and heart disease.

While Generalized Anxiety Disorder can lead to panic attacks, that is not always the case. Acute anxiety tends to mix with panic disorders. Do not let the name fool you about acute anxiety. This type of anxiety can be so intense that it feels like you are having a heart attack. In 10 minutes, you can feel these symptoms that slowly decline like:

- Trouble breathing
- Impending doom
- Rapid heartbeat
- Chest pains

Acute anxiety could come out of nowhere or the fear of experiencing a panic attack. When you have severe acute anxiety attacks or in constant fear of experiencing one, this can lead to a panic disorder.

Anticipatory Anxiety

Anticipatory anxiety is when your anxiety increases at the thought of a future event. It can be little things like the fear of going to work knowing you have to speak to co-workers that annoy you. Big things can bring this anxiety on too like going to a party knowing someone you do not like will be there. It can feel like a blaring countdown is going on in your head leading towards these impending events.

Performance anxiety can be another example of this where you have to lead a board meeting. Before you even present, all you can worry about is forgetting what you plan on saying, stuttering, or dropping your cue cards. This meeting has not even happened yet, but the thought of it makes you wish you can back out of the meeting and have someone else take over.

Sleeping Anxiety

Worrying thoughts can also keep you awake and make it hard to fall asleep. You know what awaits you tomorrow, so your mind keeps you mentally aroused.

Once you fall asleep, your anxiety can still cause you to wake up in the middle of the night with trouble falling back asleep. While your anxiety can keep you safe from potential dangers, it can prevent you from experiencing deep sleep for the seven to eight hours your body needs.

The stress of not getting enough sleep is enough to keep you awake at night. You could be scared you will never fall asleep at night and have the energy you need throughout the day.
No matter what anxiety disorder you are tackling, there is always hope in treatment. If you are still struggling with any type of anxiety disorder, anxiety therapy can teach you about how to calm yourself in the moment and how to prepare for events you dread.