EMDR Therapy

What is EMDR?
EMDR is especially helpful if you find yourself:
*Dealing with distressing memories, nightmares, flashbacks (i.e. PTSD)
*Feeling ashamed and guilty about any emotionally charged incident
*Fearful of being alone but also hesitant of being with other people
*Struggling with depression, anxiety and panic attacks
*Angry, irritable and unable to control strong emotions
*Desperately wishing that you could move on from the past and move forward into the future

Heal from traumatic experiences
~ Anais Nin

Understanding Trauma
If trauma isn’t processed and the stress from the disturbing event remains, it can create long-lasting symptoms that can get in the way of everyday functioning and relationships. Some of these longer lasting symptoms are: chronic anxiety, mistrust of others, persistent nightmares, and intrusive thoughts, feelings,or images that are somehow related to the event. At times, these symptoms can get triggered or suddenly seem to crop up out of nowhere and can make you feel like you are right back at the scene of the trauma, even though you are safe in the present moment.

If you suffer from trauma,
You Can Recover

EMDR Therapy Creates
Optimism and Hope

EMDR can override
past trauma with more
positive, life-affirming

What has been discovered is that when trauma initially occurs, the memory is stored in the brain without a time stamp.
This means that a person who has experienced trauma, may sometimes not be able to differentiate between when the trauma actually occurred and the present moment. They may recall the memory and instantly feel like they are right back in the painful experience, as if their brain were temporarily hijacked. EMDR therapy helps process the trauma so that you can recall the memory without the pain associated with it. Through the process of EMDR, you don’t necessarily forget what happened to you, but rather your reaction to the painful memory is neutralized and so, you no longer experience the symptoms of trauma when recalling the memory. You are able to realize that it occurred in the past, thus it no longer haunts you in present time.

If you are someone who suffers from debilitating symptoms as a result of trauma or painful experiences, EMDR therapy may be the right treatment for you.
I would be happy to answer any questions that you may have about EMDR, and I would be honored to assist you in your process of healing. Together, we can begin your journey toward living a more fulfilling and joyful life.